
If you’ve ever been suspended from the Google Merchant Center for misrepresentation, then you know how frustrating it can be. In this post, I’ll show you the five most common reasons why merchants are suspended for misrepresentation and how to fix them. One piece of advice from an expert who has been working on suspended accounts for many years, create a spreadsheet and make a list of all the issues that you think maybe causing and address them, because every time you submit a review and it comes back with the same Misrepresentation issue, you will know what you have done before. Please read on now. Let us know if you have any questions by posting a comment.

Reasons for Merchant Center Misrepresentation Suspension and How To Fix Them

  • Contact Us Page: If you don’t have a contact form on your site, this will be the first place that Google goes to when they have questions. Your business should have an easily visible and functional page where customers can contact you with any issues they may have. You must show at least 2 forms of contact and the contact us form that customers can submit.
  • Terms of Service Page: The terms of service (TOS) page is another important resource for merchants to provide their customers with information about their services, as it’s one of the first things that pops up when someone searches for your brand or product name on Google Search. Google wants their customers to have a great experience when they send them to your store. Having Term of Service page outlines things that lets your visitors know what are the rules of engagement with your business.
  • Privacy Policy Page: All websites should have a privacy policy that outlines how and why they collect data from users, how long they store it and what kind of commercial activities are involved in collecting this data, among other things. It’s also important to keep these policies updated as regulations change; many businesses use third-party services providers who handle sensitive information such as payment information so if those companies update their terms of service then merchants must do so too!
  • Refund Policy Page: This page will help consumers decide whether or not shopping with you is worth it! Showcase your generous return policy here by including details such as how long after purchase customers can expect returns before store credit instead (you don’t want anyone returning items after two years!). Letting shoppers know exactly what type refund options are available helps build trust between buyer and seller because nobody likes getting stuck with something unwanted after all those months spent finding gifts online.”

1. Every page must have links that work.

While making sure you have complete pages and information is accurate, you must also make sure that every link you include is actually leading to where it says it will. For example, if you have an email and it is clickable, make sure that email is actually correct. Other link issues that can cause suspension are: banners that are not clickable, links that lead to error pages, links that lead to a scammy website, and many more. Just make sure your links are working.

2. Your contact information is incorrect or missing on your landing page.

You should always make sure your contact information is correct and that it’s on your landing page. Your contact information should include a phone number, an email address, and the name of the person responsible for managing account activity. Make sure you also include this information in your footer. If you have multiple accounts with different landing pages, be sure to update all of them with accurate contact details so they can be easily found by Google.

If you don’t have a contact number listed anywhere on your site or if it looks like it’s been changed recently (or if there are any other suspicious discrepancies), Google may assume that someone else has taken over control of the account without authorization and will suspend it until we’ve had time to investigate further.

3. Your contact information is incorrect or missing on your landing page.

Contact information is a crucial part of your merchant center. It needs to be easy for customers to find, and it should include all the necessary pieces of information, including:

  • Your full name
  • The name of your company
  • Your phone number
  • Your email address (ideally you’ll have one dedicated email address that you use exclusively for Google AdWords)

It may sound like a no-brainer, but this is one of the most common mistakes merchants make when creating their landing pages. If a customer can’t find or contact you when they need to, they’re likely going to go elsewhere!

4. You don’t have a “Terms of Service” page

Google requires you to have a Terms of Service page, and it must be linked to in your Privacy Policy. Here’s how to use Google’s TOS generator:

  • Go to the Merchant Center homepage at
  • Click “Terms of Service” on the left-hand side of your screen
  • Click “Create new Terms of Service” button, select English as your language, then click “Next Step”
  • Enter keywords related to your products or services into the “Keywords” field; for example: cosmetics, beauty products, hair care etc…
  • Select “I accept these terms and conditions,” then click “Continue.”

5. You don’t have a “Privacy Policy” page.

In order to ensure that your merchant account is in good standing, it’s important to have a privacy policy on your site. This is a legal document that describes the way you collect, use, and share information from your website visitors. It’s required by law to have one on your website and should be easily accessible to users at all times.

While this requirement may seem like an added headache for merchants who already feel overwhelmed with compliance issues, there are several ways to make sure this aspect of your site stays legitimate. First of all, make sure that any information you collect from visitors is being used appropriately (and not just collected). For example: if you offer contact forms or feedback forms for users, those forms should only ask for information necessary for processing orders and sending out receipts; if they ask for other unnecessary personal details (like name or email address), then it could result in suspension from MCAs such as Google Ads or Amazon Payments until the issue is resolved properly by editing those forms accordingly before resubmitting them back into MCAs after remedying any potential problems found during initial review process by merchants’ representative or agency staff members if applicable.:

6. You don’t have an “About Us” page.

The “About Us” page is a good place to start. This page should include your business name, location, contact information and a brief description of your business. It should be easily accessible from your website’s homepage.

If you’re not sure if you have an “About Us” page or where it is located on your site, try searching for it using Google or Bing:

  • Searching for ‘about us’ in Google will bring up any pages with those words on them.
  • Searching for ‘about us’ in Bing will do the same thing as above but using their search engine instead of Google’s (which tends to be more popular).

So, if you take care of above mentioned things, there are less chances that you’ll be suspended because of misrepresentation violation

So, if you take care of above mentioned things, there are less chances that you’ll be suspended because of misrepresentation violation. But still if you’re facing trouble with your account then please contact us as we are available 24/7 to help you out.

We will fix your issue and make sure that your account won’t get suspended again.